Our Story

Find healing in those areas of your life that need some support.

After graduating with a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, I got a job in a manufacturing company. My younger self would be so proud, I thought. A few months into the job, I was hit with the reality of how fast-paced this environment is and how nine-plus hours of work daily can be the bare minimum. Then there was the struggle of trying to stay connected with my family while navigating an 8-hour time zone difference and managing my relationships with friends who are going through their fair share of issues. I had to make trade-offs between equally important things like doing my devotion in the morning or getting to work early. No matter how well one aspect of my health was thriving, there was always something to complain about. This reminds me of a scripture:

“If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.” (1 Corinthians 12:26)

It appeared that adulthood wasn’t the happy paradise I had imagined. It takes a toll on everyone but our health suffers the most from it. We become negligent of what’s important and hide behind social media, we glorify little moments of happiness but never truly find joy. As I write this, I still haven’t figured out how to strike a good balance in all the areas of my life while pursuing growth in my career. Nonetheless, Holistic Health is in itself my journey towards strengthening my relationship with God and the people around me, whilst building wealth and nurturing my body and mind. 

So, whether you’re navigating the chaos of adulting, battling burnout, or simply yearning for a deeper connection with God, I hope that as you join me in this quest for a purposeful life, you will find healing in those areas of your life that need some support.

Holistic Health is in itself my journey to having a good relationship with God and the people around me, whilst building wealth and nurturing my body and my mind. I hope that as you join me in this quest for a purposeful life, you will find healing in those areas of your life that need some support.
Nadine Tim

Founder of Holistic Health

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